
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Fiverr Admission English Basic Skill Test Questions Answers 2021

Freelancing Learning School

Fiverr is one of the multiple web platforms with which you can generate income working from home or from anywhere in the world working as a digital nomad .It is one of the most popular web portals to earn money online with specific jobs . 

And after registration, you have to take the US English Basic Skill Test for start working. To pass the test, you have to obtain minimum 7.0 out of 10.00 (70%). So, It's very important. Here are some sample questions of the test.

To get full support you may join our freelancing learning school group (MIHL).

1. Responses to our new package design have been _____ positive. Overwhelmingly 

2. If you leave the bread out, it _______ become stale. will 

3. Are you the person in charge here ____ ? 

4. If we take the 9:30 flight, we _____ too late. will arrive 

5. How many guests are we expecting ___ ? 

6. While Mr. Yoo was painting the bedroom, Mr. Kerr _____ furniture from the living room. was removing 

7. Would you be interested ____ working for the government? in 

8. We were surprised that Ms. Lafarge is _____ good at product design. so 

9. Melissa was the only one _____ managed to finish the examination on time. who 

10. The hotel _____ we had our company retreat was very clean. Where 

11. It took Walter an hour to figure _____ where he had parked his car. out 

12. Please be sure ______ your phone while _______. to turn off, driving 

13. The thing I don’t like about this restaurant is _____ . the noise 

14. _____ is hard to maintain for several years. some friendship 

15. The office needs an assistant ____ takes initiative. who 

16. A ___ of my colleagues attended the conference, so I wasn’t alone. few 

17. _____ Phyllis angry with us for making too much noise? Was 

18. ____ the weather, we have to leave today. In lieu of 

19. We don’t like selfies because we don’t know how to take pictures of _____. ourselves 

20. I wish Jeremy ____ us about the meeting before today. had told 

21. Building a new wing for the hotel is impossible. We have _________ the funds. neither the land nor 

22. It was a _____ that we both arrived at the same time. coincidence 

23. _____ I win the lottery, I still want to work. Even if 

24. The hospital needs more _____ with ______ in neurology. doctors, experience 

25. Don’t forget _____ the oven after ____ the pie. to turn off, removing 

26. I was ____ surprised that my contract was renewed. very 

27. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? 

 “I can’t start the meeting”, said Ms. Lee, “without the entire staff present”. 

28. I need a new idea for_____ next script My 

29. I finally feel ____ enough to return to work. well 

30. While Jeffery was traveling in France, he _____ into an old friend from college. ran 

31. The security guard stopped the thief ____ stealing two sweaters. from 

32. Once you finish your paperwork ___ bring it back to the reception desk. , 

33. The dog is sleeping _____ the table. underneath 

34. I don’t understand why the 3:10 train from Mumbai _____ yet. hasn’t arrived 

35. If we would have left earlier, we ______ on time. would have arrived 

36. Maria is _____ who specializes in _____ . a doctor, the elderly 

37. ______ Mr. Goff’s scheduling mistake, the event took place on time. In spite of 

38. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Their slogan says, “The best barbecue in town.” 

39. Mr. Evans gave everyone a cupcake as a ____ gesture. nice 

40. Please continue to use the front entrance _____ a delivery is too large to fit through the door. unless 

41. On Friday, we’re attending the………housewarming party. smiths’ 

42. Ms. Myers commented that _____ she slept in at the hotel was better than _____ she slept in at home. the bed, the one 

43. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? June will present chapter one, and Josh will present the rest. 

44. Sometimes, it’s dangerous to cook with _____. the heat 

45. _____ sent you to deliver the printer? Who 

46. No one has figured out exactly _____ caused the power failure. what 

47. We’ll find Gemma’s teddy bear, ______ it is. wherever 

48. The pest control team will arrive _____ 10 a.m. at 

49. ___ twelve years, Opal Systems has been designing operating systems for government institutions. For 

50. Malik hasn’t called you today, _____ he? has 

51. If your phone stops working, ______ a new one? will you get 

52. The doorman won’t allow you to enter _____ you provide identification. unless 

53. When you’re done, _____ your books to your room. take 

54. To ___ does this coat belong? whom 

55. The group is _____ of three experienced doctors. comprised 

56. ____ project won first place in the competition. My 

57. Bradley will need help _____ the first semester. throughout 

58. Take an extra layer in case _____ cold in the auditorium. it is 

59. _____ did Rebecca know that you wouldn’t be coming to work today? How 

60. The orchestra’s holiday performance was just _____. delightful 

61. Jared plays the violin ___ beautifully 

62. We’ll need five more plates _____ what we already have. in addition to 

63. The plumber ____ us if we’d had problems with the sink before. asked 

64. The committee is interested _______ your thoughts. in hearing 

65. _____ the avocados have gone bad. Some of 

66. If Elsa’s grandmother lived closer, she _____ her more often. would have visited 

67. Out of all of us, Jose was the one _____ scored the highest on the exam. who 

68. _____ it’s true that more trees need to be planted, there is still enough shade for the swimming pool. While 

69. The event will start at 6 p.m. sharp ____ 

70. Brendan was sent home early for behaving ______. inappropriately 

71. She and ____ will meet you at 7 p.m. I 

72. Tomas decided to visit _____ sisters in Amsterdam in April. his 

73. I often dream _____ traveling to foreign countries. of 

74. _____ our supplier’s shipment was late, I managed to get most of the order ready. Although 

75. The _____ for submissions to the design competition is March 3. deadline 

76. _____ is an important ingredient in any soup. Salt 

77. Ms. Kittle brings two forms of identification with her _____ she goes. wherever 

78. Would it make _____ if I leave tonight instead of early in the morning? a difference 

79. It was _____ flight that kept us in _____ for 12 hours. a long, the air 

80. This morning, my boss said he wanted to talk _____ me. To 

81. Rebecca forgave Jason _____ not contacting her for six months. for 

82. If the bank offers me the job, I don’t think I ____ it. will take 

83. I refuse to _______ Chester’s apology. accept 

84. You _____ the exam unless you study harder. won’t pass 

85. _____ it rains today, we’ll have to move the party indoors. If 

86. You haven’t seen my car keys, _____? have you 

87. You need to use a gauge to figure out how much _____ is in your tires. air 

88. It’s a nice house, ____ it’s not my top choice. but 

89. When the TV show ends, _____ give you my undivided attention. I will 

90. You should slice the pizza _____ so everyone gets a slice. equally 

91. ____ need to pick a dessert for the reception. We 

92. Sales of the heavy coats have been _____ slow in the summer. predicted 

93. _____ is one of my favorite pastimes. Reading 

94. The picture was taken by an artist _____ name I can’t remember. whose 

95. The driver was able to repair the tire, _____ there were tools in the trunk of the car. as 

96. Professor Grant thought the presentation was _______ unacceptable. completely 

97. I’d like a coffee ____ a tea. instead of 

98. A huge traffic jam prevented Lila _____ getting to the airport on time from 

99. I would happiest person alive if I ______the lottery had won 

100.____ coming with us, right? You’re 

101.Dad won’t remember to bring the gifts unless _____ him. you ask 

102.Jan didn’t like _____ the food on the menu. most of 

103.By next month, the company ______ 2,000 self-driving cars. will have sold 

104.We ______ to tour the campus next week. are going 

105.Mr. Weiss considers his company’s move to Canada to be _____. successful 

106.If Janine had given you constructive feedback, what _______ said? would you have 

107.Even if we work until midnight, we ____ miss the deadline. will still 

108.______ would you like to have the couch delivered? When 

109.I will be there on time unless my flight ______. is delayed 

110.How long is your commute to work ____ ? 

111.The bulky frame made the picture _____ heavy to hang on the wall. too 

112.Make sure you learn every client’s name _____ you can introduce them to each other. so that

113.We should have our study group at_____house. Your 

114._____ Wednesday, two of the key people on the design team called in sick. On 

115.Ms. Arguello never expected that her podcast would be _____ popular. so 

116.We have ____ food to feed the entire family. plenty of 

117.I’ll be there ______ I can. as soon as 

118.The addition of a new rail line has made the northern part of the city much more _____. accessible 

119.After an hour, the mechanic was able to pull the tire _____ of the wheel. out 

120.What is _____ ocean in _____? the largest, the world 

121.I ______ the writer’s conference last year. attended 

122.As soon as you wake up, you ____ to take the dog out. need 

123.Make sure to take your shoes _____ before you enter Ms. Tanaka’s house. off 

124.Brad said he’d like to ride ____ us. with 

125.The textbook is ____ world history and geography. about

126.After a three-hour delay, the food still ______. hasn’t arrived 

127.The worst way to get your way is to shout _____ people. at 

128.Martin Beale _____ all of the legal matters for RTG Plastics Inc. handles 

129.In my opinion, pistachios are better _____ almonds. than 

130.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? “I’ll meet you there,” said Jonathan. . 

131.Every minute of the play was _____. memorable 

132.We are looking to hire someone who has a strong _____ in management. training 

133.No, I didn’t turn ____ the radio. on 

134.I don’t want to go in; there’s a massive ______. queue 

135._____ the football team is in peak condition. Most of 

136.I think you used too _____ salt in your sauce. much 

137.When my husband comes home, ______ to dinner. we will go 

138.Jorge is talented _______ in English, Spanish, and French. at writing 

139.I’ll let you know _____ we arrive. when 

140.Could you do ____ a favor? us 

141.I usually eat healthy, ______ I love the occasional slice of pizza. although 

142.Kwame will have hidden the presents _____ we get there. before 

143._____ wasn’t the garage closed last night? Why 

144.Without practice, our team will ____ to the Tigers. lose 

145.By 2021, Marcia ______ her second degree. will finish 

146.The principal wants to have a meeting _____ Billy’s behavior. about 

147.You should be more ______ in class. attentive 

148.During the hurricane, Jose’s home suffered a lot of ______. damage 

149.One of his least favorite job duties is _____ presentations. giving 

150.To join the organization, you need a lot of ______. money 

151.My ____ engine is making a strange sound. car’s 

152.There’s an extra coffee mug ____ the counter. on 

153.All of the supplies on the table are for ____. me 

154.You don’t happen to have a pen, ____? do you 

155.We can only serve beer ____ wine at the event. or 

156._____ new store just opened last week. Their 

157.You have to take ____ of your medicine to feel better. each 

158.______ it rains, the garage floods. Every time 

159.Gerard’s favorite activity on Sundays is ______. sleeping 

160.How ____ milk is needed for this recipe? much 

161.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? In the end, I knew the right answer 

162.Angus sprinted _____ the finish line. toward 

163.Gretchen agreed ______ me with my philosophy homework. to help 

164.Did you hear about what ______ to the Smith family? happened 

165.I’m going to sleep now because I’m _____ tired. very 

166.You are ____ to read the book of your choosing. free 

167.I will attend the meeting _____ Mr. Williams. in place of 

168.There’s no point _____ the truth. in denying 

169.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? After I graduate, I’ll move back to Nebraska. 

170._____ were upset about _____ extra homework. The students, the 

171.____ don’t usually like the same movies. They 

172.When are you going to buy ____ new car? a 

173.I would have cleaned the house if I ______ you were coming. had known 

174.Most of the movie was shot in the _____. desert 

175.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? How many siblings do you have? 

176.Carol will be successful because she writes ______. beautifully 

177.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? I returned the sweater with the black sequins yesterday. 

178._____ assigned this project to you on such short notice? Who 

179.If you don’t feel well, you should ____ down. lie 

180._____ a bad ninth innings, the team still won. Despite 

181.If the power goes out, we _____ to use the backup generator. will have 

182.Mr. Weaver was accused ____ falsifying records. of 

183.A protestor climbed _____ the stage during the ceremony. onto 

184.The sale only _____ to select products. applies 

185.The Queen’s ____ has lasted for several decades. reign 

186.I’m happy to announce that Ms. Williamson ______ the position. has accepted 

187.Did you remember _____ the oven when you finished? to turn off 

188.Figure it out amongst ______. yourselves 

189.During the heist, the thief risked _____ caught. on being 

190.If I buy the tickets, ______ buy the popcorn? will you 

191.Meredith really enjoys _____ satire. to write 

192.Which answer is correct? The Burj Khalifa is the ____ tallest building. world’s 

193._____ Billy failed the test, he still passed the class. Even though 

194.It was the ____ movie Jean had ever seen. worst 

195.The college needs a professor ___ specializes in economics. who 

196.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Sean, the youngest of six, was the family’s only college graduate. 

197.The venue changed, but ____ closer to home. it’s 

198.High pitched sounds in the recording are _____ audible, but they can be heard at high volume. barely 

199.Jessie asked ___ “What are you guys doing after class?” , 

200.No one is allowed in the building _____ they show their ID badge. unless 

201.I’d like to accept this award _________ Vanessa, who couldn’t be here tonight. on behalf of 

202.We can’t take the dog _____ while there’s lightning. outside 

203.If I earn a bonus this year, I ______ to Italy. will travel 

204.There weren’t any violations, ____? were there 

205.Our family plans ______ to Mexico for the summer. of going 

206.Eve shouted ____ at the office clerk. angrily 

207.Charles ran ____ the building before the rain started. into 

208.Everyone entered the contest _____ Jill. except 

209.When ______ first place, my parents will be so proud. I win 

210.At noon, the board will announce ____ has been appointed as CEO. who 

211.Can someone please pass ____ bread? the 

212.The room feels crowded because there are ________ people in here. too many 

213._____ you going on vacation in April? Are 

214.We’re not going on vacation ____ August. until 

215.Caleb’s parents have a meeting with the _____ today. principal 

216.Next Friday, the restaurant ______ at 4 p.m. for dinner. will open 

217.Let me know ______ you’d like to go to dinner. when 

218._______ is this sweater fashionable, _____ it’s also ethically made. Not only, but 

219.We can’t leave _____ the driveway is blocked. because 

220.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Mr. Williams introduced us to Peter, a new student from Denmark. 

221.For stronger bones, your son should drink ____ milk. a lot of 

222.The entire room is reserved for ___. us 

223.Bruce studied hard, ____ he thought the exam was easy. so 

224.I’ve made arrangements ______ at a five-star resort. to stay 

225.____ bag ripped because it was too full. His 

226.Aunt Ann walked ____ for one hour. briskly 

227.My brother’s sense of humor is nothing ____ mine. like 

228.Georgia ______ there for 15 years. is working 

229.Charlie’s letter ____ that he was homesick. inferred 

230.We should _____ the meeting at 8 a.m. sharp. start 

231.Try to _____ in on what the author is saying in the article. look 

232.It wasn’t _____ film of the year, but it still won _____. the best, the awards 

233.We’ll stay at Grandma’s house ____ our visit. during 

234.After the party ____ we should head home. , 

235.My flight is delayed because the aircraft ______ yet. hasn’t arrived 

236.I _____ into an old friend from high school last night. ran 

237.The ______ new house had a finished basement with a wine cellar. Johnsons’ 

238.Next August, the entire cast ______ to France for the premiere. will travel 

239.I’ve loved reading _____ I was just 5 years old. since 

240._____ neighborhood has the best school district? Which 

241.I hope the weather clears up so we __________ for a walk. can go 

242.How will the organization be ______ by these changes? affected 

243._____ are organizing the potluck dinner. We 

244.How will the weather ____ the construction project? affect 

245.Miriam skipped the party ____ she was ill.

246.The historic home ______ 100 years ago. was constructed

247.The students must walk in an _____ fashion. orderly

248.The train is never on time when I ______ late. am running

249.Yesterday, the entire family ______ their gifts at the same time. opened 

250.Today’s heat is just too much to ______. bear

251.We must leave now because we have _____ time to spare. less

252.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? You didn’t finish the homework, did you? 

253.______ should we go when the assembly is over? Where 

254.Billy can publish anything on his blog ________ it’s true. as long as

255.We have to turn _____ all phones during dinner. off 

256._____ James _____ Jessie are getting promoted. Both, and

257.If ______ my help, you can reach me at my desk. you need 

258._____ time should we start the meeting? What 

259.If you’re not feeling well, ______ come to the office. you should not 

260.Kim suggested _____ at 5 p.m. to discuss our progress. meeting 

261.I washed your t-shirt because it was _____. oily 

262._____ Mr. Smith _____ Ms. Brown could chaperone the dance. Neither, nor 

263.We need to clean up and put everything in ____ place. its 

264.Which sentence is correct? Because Gary practices every day, he is a great pianist.

265.I don’t know where I left ___ keys. my 

266.Everyone laughed when the cat climbed ____ the stage. onto 

267.Do you know _____ the boys have left yet? why 

268.“I can help,____ said Mrs. Wilson. ”

269.If we close the store now, _____ we lose money? will 

270.Bobby was frequently late for work, ____ he received a great performance review. yet 

271.Randy pretended ______ the meal even though he dislikes broccoli. to enjoy

272.One of the main symptoms of the virus is _____. nausea 

273.Everyone will have a chance to say their ____ during the meeting. chunk 

274.In tonight’s game, the Celtics will play ____ the Bulls. against

275.Fill in the blank with the correct word or phrase. If I _____ how to get there, I would walk there by myself. knew 

276.James has to start over because he cleaned his room _____. sloppily 

277.Neither Phoebe ____ Rachel admitted to breaking the glass. nor

278.I haven’t seen Joanna ____ last Friday. since 

279.Mrs. Briar chose ____ for the job. me 

280.Which answer is correct? Which van should we take – ____ or ours? theirs 

281.We could drive instead _______ an Uber. of taking 

282.Carl and ___ are the only chaperones for the field trip. I

283.The band started playing after _____. you left

284.Which answer is correct? Which of these coats is ____? yours 

285.The girl with the _____ hair is Jenny. curly

286.I still need to ____ out my ideas for the book. let 

287.Where ______ purchased? was the coat

288.When Dylan was young, he dreamed ___ becoming a firefighter. of

289.Paul threw out the bottle because he _______ it was yours. didn’t know

290.I anticipate ______ the project complete by Tuesday. of having 

291._____ are sharing one hotel suite for the entire trip. They

292.You will only get a promotion if ______ hard. you work 

293.When Mauricio ____ through the front door, everyone will yell, “Surprise!” walks 

294.Are you interested ______ us for dinner? in joining 

295.The audience doesn’t care ______ questions. for asking 

296.This basketball needs more air because it’s not ____ enough. bouncy 

297.Briana will clean the kitchen _____ Edward vacuums the rugs. while

298.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? My parents’ new car has more modern features than your parents’. 

299.For our homework, we have to listen ____ a podcast. to 

300.Every driver must show proof of ____ insurance. their 

301.When ______ the good news? will Sherrie share 

302._____ it rains _____ not, the show must go on. Whether, or

303.What meal ______ when she got sick? was April eating 

304.John refuses to try anything new because he’s risk-_____. averse 

305.I have three items in my backpack ____ a book, a pen, and my wallet. : 

306.Which answer is correct? ____ almost time for us to leave. It’s 

307.We will spend the afternoon at the job _____. site 

308.I love ham sandwiches ____ only on rye bread. but 

309.______ seen any good TV shows lately? Have you 

310.There isn’t ____ space in the car for four more people. enough 

311.Jenny is so young, ____ she has accomplished so much. yet 

312.After dinner, no one ______ to load the dishwasher. wanted

313.You can’t use your cell phone once you’re _____ the plane. aboard 

314.____ is broken and we need to buy ____ new one. The phone, a 

315.Because of the snow, the bus ______ yet. hasn’t arrived 

316.Jasmine learned _______ five languages when she was a child. to speak 

317.______ if I adjust the thermostat? Would you mind

318.Do you know _____ this door is locked? why 

319.You need a good sense of _____ to enjoy the TV show. humor 

320.Matthias has to work early tomorrow, but he is happy ______ tonight. to go out 

321.The meteorologist urged everyone to drive _____ after the storm. slowly 

322.Jackie _____ the actor to ask for his autograph. approached 

323.Dinner didn’t start until 9 p.m. because everyone was ____ late. so 

324.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Julie’s house is the blue one on the left. 

325.Does he like to _____ music in his spare time? compose 

326.I yearn _____ a vacation after this difficult semester. to take 

327.Who is _____ leader in ______? the oldest, the world 

328.If you ____ at the gifts, you’ll ruin the surprise. peek 

329.After the next presentation, let’s take a ______. break 

330.Sue had only positive things to say _____ our party. about 

331.Christine didn’t like pickles, _____ she ate one anyway. but 

332.When I graduated from college, I ______ to New York City. moved 

333.Please walk ____ while you move the vase across the room. carefully 

334.What _______ to you? does art mean 

335.Roger needs a minute to catch his ______. breath 

336.Let’s listen _____ what Mr. Freund says about increasing our revenue. to 

337.The _____ of money required to rebuild the engine is more than a new one would cost. amount 

338.Deliveries from SpeedCo are _____ punctual. reliably 

339.We never know if Ms. Lee is going to arrive at the office _____ time. on 

340.The steel _____ from our plant in Germany increased by 17% last year. output 

341.Do you know if Roger got _____ he applied for _____ week? the job, last 

342.Most of the antiques in the shop are in excellent _____. condition 

343.Peter saw Rebecca crossing the street when he was stopped _____ the traffic light. at 

344.Ms. Okung insisted _____ for my dinner last night. on paying 

345.There was an unexpected guest at the conference, _____ an extra chair was brought in. so 

346.The bicycle will have to be _____ so that it can fit into a shipping crate. dismantled 

347.Yuko doesn’t like to spend money _____ jewelry or cars. on 

348.Tomorrow Ms. Rogers will tell us _____ she has decided to do. what 

349.Mr. Lanza has a very _____ attitude for such a young man. mature 

350._____ ever seen the Northern Lights? Have you 

351._____ of the six people who attended the concert stayed until the final song. None 

352.I sometimes visit my grandmother in Prague, _____ is quite close to my home. which 

353.You didn’t have to carry your passport with you, _____? had you 

354.When _____ to tell us what our next assignment is going to be? is Tom going 

355.Ms. Baker found the conference to be rather _____. boring 

356.Investigators accused Mr. Russell _____ money from the safe. of stealing 

357.Mr. Bellini _____ yet because his plane is delayed. hasn’t arrived 

358.I encourage you to think _____ where you want to be in five years. about 

359.Mr. Staley congratulated Deborah _____ the award. on winning 

360.Charles _____ to meet his fiancée in Japan on her birthday next August. is going 

361.Most people can’t repair an automobile all by _____. themselves 

362.As we speak, Ms. Luo _____ her way here from Germany. makes

363.In six months PLK Manufacturing’s Delhi factory will be completely _____. operational 

364._____ checkout time is 11am, exceptions can always be made as a courtesy to guests. Although 

365.If I had known his phone number, I _____ him. would have called 

366.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Ms. Dietrich will take the company car because its bigger than her’s. 

367.Ruth does not want to work full time, but she is open _____ in on a freelance basis. to come 

368.Ms. Melani would like to see all essays from this year, including _____ that are not finished yet. those 

369.After you fill out the form completely _____ the doctor will see you. , 

370.John is bringing a water bottle with him in case he _____ thirsty. gets 

371.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Mr. Bogojevic said that he had watched the entire tennis match. 

372.Pamela has three computers, all of _____ are very old. which 

373.For the past ten years, MotoCorp _____ the world’s most fuel-efficient cars. has built

374.Ms. Neruda has a very positive attitude _____ her work. toward

375.It began to rain just as the party goers _____. left 

376.The critics said that the movie was _____ funny. outrageously

377._____ the weather was perfect, the groundbreaking ceremony had to be postponed. Although 

378.Do you know _____ Judy has arrived in Salzburg yet? whether 

379.Mr. Guo’s ideas about international relations were _____ extreme than we expected. more

380.By this time last year, this company _____ 500 printing presses. had sold

381.So far this week, I _____ three seminars about the future of aviation. have attended 

382.Surprisingly, guests have a _____ to use the indoor pool in the summer. habit 

383.Leila turned _____ the job because she didn’t want to spend her time in sales. down 

384.If the customer signs the receipt, we _____ responsible for the lost package. aren’t 

385.Ms. Johnson complained that there was no heat in her room. _____, the mechanic was working on the boiler. Meanwhile 

386._____ asked you to finish the project by Friday? Who 

387.Would you choose a career as _____ instructor? a flight 

388._____ we need to do is examine why our business has slowed down. What 

389.Nori loves to sit on a bench atop the cliff near her house and look out over _____. the ocean 

390.Before I applied _____ the job, I researched the company. for 

391.There weren’t more than five people at the demonstration, _____? were there 

392.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? The only person who was interested in the job was Michael. 

393.There was a sweater left behind at the party, but Ichiro couldn’t figure out _____ it was. whose 

394.Jenny spent ten minutes trying to sort out _____ jacket was _____. which, hers 

395.The research department found that adding more oxygen to the mixture was the solution _____ the problem. to 

396.By the end of this year, Joseph _____ his book about Italian furniture. will have completed 

397.Luckily, we brought extra food. _____, we would have gotten very hungry. Otherwise 

398.It costs $125 to _____ your membership to the gym every year. renew 

399.Employees’ suggestions to management may be _____ so that employees can feel free to express their thoughts. anonymous 

400.Ms. Sanders can’t remember _____ in the hospital when she was three years old. being

401.The electric cart doesn’t have a reverse gear, _____? does it

402.Ms. Hassan got _____ the bus and walked three blocks to her cousin’s house. off 

403.High pitched sounds in the recording are _____ audible, but they can be heard at high volume. barely 

404.Do you know _____ gone? where Tom has 

405.Dr. Wurtz didn’t know that the briefcase in the corner was _____. his 

406.The condition of the merchandise was unacceptable, so I demanded that they give me my money _____. back 

407.If Ms. Hernandez _____ for many years at an ad agency, she wouldn’t have so many clients as an independent contractor. hadn’t worked 

408.We usually start with the marketing phase, even if we are not finished _____ the development of the product. with 

409.I’ve never seen specifications as detailed as _____. these

410.If Brandon finishes his work by 5:00, he _____ us at the Rosewood Cafe. will meet 

411.The budget report for last year was very _____ researched. well 

412.If Rebecca had sent the replacement part for the copier, we _____ it yesterday. would have received 

413.We are looking to hire someone who has a strong _____ in management. training 

414.Hiring freelancers is not _____ expensive as bringing in a new employee. as

415.How _____ from the airport to the hotel? did you get 

416.Many people have difficulty _____ the entrance examination for IT courses at the Snell Institute. to pass 

417.No one has yet succeed _____ improving on Ms. Glaser’s original design for our company’s logo. in 

418._____ someone sends me a text, I get back to them within 10 minutes. Whenever 

419.Mr. Mettner said that he _____ the security deposit for the apartment. didn’t yet receive 

420.By next February Roger ______ at his new job for six months. will be working 

421.If you are in town next week, we should have _____ together. dinner

422.People will be able to set up websites by _____ because the platform is so simple. themselves 

423.The factory floor supervisor started the generator _____ the power had gone out. because 

424.Ms. Fiallos was not _____ for the truck driver position because she did not have a valid driver’s licence. eligible 

425.When she discovered the briefcase didn’t belong to her, she tried to find out _____ it was. whose 

426.Sites like are _____ way to send large documents. the best 

427.When _____ us the final draft of the report? will you send 

428.Robert will stay at the job site until 6pm unless Tony _____ to replace him first. comes

429.Try to guess the definition of a word without looking it _____ in the dictionary. over 

430.The amount of _____ housing in the southern part of the city has increased in the last five years. affordable

431.Russell doesn’t usually work on weekends. _____, he will make an exception for this client. However 

432._____ of us are going anywhere this weekend because there is too much work to do. None 

433.The manufacturing operation _____ smoothly while Ms. Kurtz was on vacation. ran 

434.Choose the phrase that has the correct punctuation. First I will send you the document ________________ ; then I will bill you. 

435.Luckily, Mona remembered _____ an extra set of keys to give to Max. bringing

436.Who _____ to inform him that his bid for the apartment renovation had been accepted? Called Eric 

437.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? “I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes,” the taxi driver said.

438.It’s important to put _____ into _____ of any new project. time, planning

439.Please forgive me _____ not informing you about the problems we were having with the new software. for 

440.Ricardo’s boss _____ him telling the client how to use the software. reminded 

441.The committee _____ the job of quality control to Karl Mertz. assigned 

442.If I _____ my vacation in March, I never would have met Mr. Edwards. had taken 

443.Most people prefer sleeping at home _____ sleeping on an airplane. to 

444.Mr. Ibanez gave _____ calling Mr. Hansen after Mr. Hansen never responded to his messages. up 

445._____ happened after I left work yesterday? What 

446.Ms. Elkin had two bags with her when she arrived, _____? hadn’t she 

447.The new operating system should significantly reduce the _____ of time it takes to upload documents. amount 

448._____ the switch on the back of the machine do? What does 

449.Monday is a holiday, _____ Emily will contact you on Tuesday. therefore 

450.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than a hamburger, three hot dogs, and an apple turnover. 

451.Ms. Costas depends _____ three major accounts for most of her business. on 

452.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Everyone in the copywriting department always checks each other’s work. 

453.Mr. Yee shops at _____ hardware store in his area. an only 

454.Fill in the blank with the correct word. The Vice President _____ a meeting of the senior officers to discuss next year’s budget. called

455._____________, I will have the report done by next week. Whether I take on another job or not 

456.Now that Ms. Brecht has retired, we all agree it will be difficult to _____ her. replace 

457.If the hotel has no vacancy, you can stay with ____. us

458.I will present first unless someone _____ the agenda. changes 

459.This house doesn’t have an attic, ____? does it

460.I _____ six commercial jingles in the last 3 weeks. I have composed 

461._______ Julie’s car was brand new, it had mechanical problems. Even though 

462.What ______ about your performance? did she say 

463._____ the name of your new boss? What’s 464.____ roof has sprung a leak. The

465.The game show was hosted by an actor ____ name I can’t recall. whose

466.Remember _____ the garage after ______ your project. to close, finishing 

467.The company decided ___ logo was outdated. its or That 

468.The results of the study were inconclusive. _____, more research needs to be done. Therefore 

469.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Sam’s dad’s truck was found without its wheels. 

470.Our marketing strategy is based on _____ experience. both data and

471.Ms. Arguello never expected that her podcast would be _____ popular. so 

472.If Rebecca had sent the replacement part for the copier, we _____ it yesterday. would have received 

473.We are looking to hire someone who has a strong _____ in management. training

474.Hiring freelancers is not _____ expensive as bringing in a new employee. as

475.How _____ from the airport to the hotel? did you get 

476.Many people have difficulty _____ the entrance examination for IT courses at the Snell Institute. passing 

477.No one has yet succeed _____ improving on Ms. Glaser’s original design for our company’s logo. in

478._____ someone sends me a text, I get back to them within 10 minutes. Whenever 

479.Mr. Mettner said that he _____ the security deposit for the apartment. didn’t yet receive

480.Martin Beale _____ all of the legal matters for RTG Plastics Inc. handles 

481.By next February Roger ______ at his new job for six months. will be working 

482.If you are in town next week, we should have _____ together. dinner 

483.People will be able to set up websites by _____ because the platform is so simple. themselves 

484.The factory floor supervisor started the generator _____ the power had gone out. because 

485.Ms. Fiallos was not _____ for the truck driver position because she did not have a valid driver’s licence. eligible 

486.When she discovered the briefcase didn’t belong to her, she tried to find out _____ it was. whose 

487.Sites like are _____ way to send large documents. the best

488.The bulky frame made the picture _____ heavy to hang on the wall. too 

489._____ Wednesday, two of the key people on the design team called in sick. On 

490.When _____ us the final draft of the report? will you send 

491.Robert will stay at the job site until 6pm unless Tony _____ to replace him first. comes 

492.Mr. Weiss considers his company’s move to Canada to be _____. successful 

493.Try to guess the definition of a word without looking it _____ in the dictionary. over 

494.The amount of _____ housing in the southern part of the city has increased in the last five years. affordable

495.Russell doesn’t usually work on weekends. _____, he will make an exception for this client. However 

496._____ of us are going anywhere this weekend because there is too much work to do. None 

497.The manufacturing operation _____ smoothly while Ms. Kurtz was on vacation. ran 

498.First I will send you the document ________________ ; then I will bill you. 

499.Luckily, Mona remembered _____ an extra set of keys to give to Max. bringing 

500.Who _____ to inform him that his bid for the apartment renovation had been accepted? Called Eric 

501.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? “I can get you to the airport in fifteen minutes,” the taxi driver said.

502.After an hour, the mechanic was able to pull the tire _____ of the wheel. out 

503.It’s important to put _____ into _____ of any new project. time, planning 

504.Please forgive me _____ not informing you about the problems we were having with the new software. for 

505._____ sent you to deliver the printer? Who 

506.No one has figured out exactly _____ caused the power failure. what 

507.___ twelve years, Opal Systems has been designing operating systems for government institutions. For 

508.Ricardo’s boss _____ him telling the client how to use the software. reminded

509.The committee _____ the job of quality control to Karl Mertz. assigned 

510.If I _____ my vacation in March, I never would have met Mr. Edwards. had taken

511.Most people prefer sleeping at home _____ sleeping on an airplane. to 

512.Mr. Ibanez gave _____ calling Mr. Hansen after Mr. Hansen never responded to his messages. up

513.Tomas decided to visit _____ sisters in Amsterdam in April. his 

514._____ happened after I left work yesterday? What 

515.Please continue to use the front entrance _____ a delivery is too large to fit through the door. unless 

516.Ms. Elkin had two bags with her when she arrived, _____? didn’t she 

517.The new operating system should significantly reduce the _____ of time it takes to upload documents. amount 

518._____ the switch on the back of the machine do? What does 

519.The _____ for submissions to the design competition is March 3. deadline 

520.Monday is a holiday, _____ Emily will contact you on Tuesday. therefore 

521._____ our supplier’s shipment was late, I managed to get most of the order ready. Although 

522.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? The lunch truck arrived with nothing more than a hamburger, three hot dogs, and an apple turnover.

523.Ms. Costas depends _____ three major accounts for most of her business. on 

524.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Everyone in the copywriting department always checks each other’s work.

525.A huge traffic jam prevented Lila _____ getting to the airport on time from 

526.Mr. Yee shops at _____ hardware store in his area. an only 

527._____________, I will have the report done by next week. Whenever I take on another job or not 

528._____ is an important ingredient in any soup. Salt 

529.Now that Ms. Brecht has retired, we all agree it will be difficult to _____ her. replace

530.The results of the study were inconclusive. _____, more research needs to be done. Therefore 

531.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Sam’s dad’s truck was found without its wheels. 

532.Our marketing strategy is based on _____ experience. both data and 

533.If the hotel has no vacancy, you can stay with ____. us 

534.This house doesn’t have an attic, ____ ? does it 

535._______ Julie’s car was brand new, it had mechanical problems. Even though 

536.How many guests are we expecting ___ ?

537.I will present first unless someone _____ the agenda. changes 

538.____ coming with us, right? You’re 

539.Jan didn’t like _____ the food on the menu. most of 

540.What _____ about your performance? did she say 

541._____ the name of your new boss? What’s 

542.____ roof has sprung a leak. The

543.The game show was hosted by an actor ____ name I can’t recall. whose 

544.Remember _____ the garage after ______ your project. to close, finishing 

545.The company decided ___ logo was outdated. its 

546.By next month, the company ______ 2,000 self-driving cars. will have sold 

547.In my opinion, pistachios are better _____ almonds. than 

548.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? “I’ll meet you there”, said Jonathan. 

549.Every minute of the play was _____. memorable 

550.We are looking to hire someone who has a strong _____ in management. training 

551.No, I didn’t turn ____ the radio. on

552.I don’t want to go in; there’s a massive ______. queue 

553._____ the football team is in peak condition. Most of 

554.I think you used too _____ salt in your sauce. much 

555.When my husband comes home, ______ to dinner. we will go 

556.Even if we work until midnight, we ____ miss the deadline. will still 

557.Jorge is talented _______ in English, Spanish, and French. at writing

558.______ would you like to have the couch delivered? When 

559.I’ll let you know _____ we arrive. when 

560.I will be there on time unless my flight ______. is delayed 

561.Could you do ____ a favor? us

562.I usually eat healthy, ______ I love the occasional slice of pizza. although 

563.Kwame will have hidden the presents _____ we get there. before

564._____ wasn’t the garage closed last night? Why 

565.Without practice, our team will ____ to the Tigers. lose 

566.Dad won’t remember to bring the gifts unless _____ him. you ask 

567.By 2021, Marcia ______ her second degree. will finish 

568.The principal wants to have a meeting _____ Billy’s behavior. about 

569.As soon as you wake up, you ____ to take the dog out. need 

570.After a three-hour delay, the food still ______. hasn’t arrived

571.You should be more ______ in class. attentive

572.During the hurricane, Jose’s home suffered a lot of ______. damage 

573.One of his least favorite job duties is _____ presentations. giving 

574.If Janine had given you constructive feedback, what _______ said? would you have 

575.To join the organization, you need a lot of ______. money 

576.My ____ engine is making a strange sound. car’s 

577.There’s an extra coffee mug ____ the counter. on 

578.Malik hasn’t called you today, _____ he? has 

579.All of the supplies on the table are for ____. me

580.Once you finish your paperwork ___ bring it back to the reception desk. , 

581.The dog is sleeping _____ the table. underneath

582.You don’t happen to have a pen, ____? do you 

583.We can only serve beer ____ wine at the event. or 

584.I finally feel ____ enough to return to work. well 

585._____ new store just opened last week. Their 

586._____ I win the lottery, I still want to work. Even if 

587.You have to take ____ of your medicine to feel better. each 

588.______ it rains, the garage floods. Every time 

589.Investigators accused Mr. Russell _____ money from the safe. of stealing 

590.Mr. Bellini _____ yet because his plane is delayed. didn’t arrive 

591.I encourage you to think _____ where you want to be in five years. about

592.The worst way to get your way is to shout _____ people. at 

593.Mr. Staley congratulated Deborah _____ the award. on winning

594.Charles _____ to meet his fiancée in Japan on her birthday next August. is going 

595.The thing I don’t like about this restaurant is _____ . the noise

596.Most people can’t repair an automobile all by _____. themselves 

597.As we speak, Ms. Luo _____ her way here from Germany. makes 

598.In six months PLK Manufacturing’s Delhi factory will be completely _____. operational

599._____ checkout time is 11am, exceptions can always be made as a courtesy to guests. Although 

600.If Elsa’s grandmother lived closer, she _____ her more often. would have visited 

601.If I had known his phone number, I _____ him. would have called 

602.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Ms. Dietrich will take the company car because its bigger than her’s. 

603.Ruth does not want to work full time, but she is open _____ in on a freelance basis. to come 

604.Ms. Melani would like to see all essays from this year, including _____ that are not finished yet. those

605.Maria is _____ who specializes in _____ . a doctor, the elderly

606.______ Mr. Goff’s scheduling mistake, the event took place on time. In spite of

607.After you fill out the form completely _____ the doctor will see you. ,

608.John is bringing a water bottle with him in case he _____ thirsty. gets 

609.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Mr. Bogojevic said that he had watched the entire tennis match. 

610.Pamela has three computers, all of _____ are very old. which 

611.For the past ten years, MotoCorp _____ the world’s most fuel-efficient cars. has built 

612.Ms. Neruda has a very positive attitude _____ her work. toward

613.It began to rain just as the party goers _____. left 

614.The critics said that the movie was _____ funny. outrageously 

615.Ms. Myers commented that _____ she slept in at the hotel was better than _____ she slept in at home. the bed, the one 

616._____ the weather was perfect, the groundbreaking ceremony had to be postponed. Although 

617.Do you know _____ Judy has arrived in Salzburg yet? whether

618.Mr. Guo’s ideas about international relations were _____ extreme than we expected. more 

619.By this time last year, this company _____ 500 printing presses. had sold

620.So far this week, I _____ three seminars about the future of aviation. have attended 

621.Don’t forget _____ the oven after ____ the pie. to turn off, removing 

622.Surprisingly, guests have a _____ to use the indoor pool in the summer. habit 

623.Leila turned _____ the job because she didn’t want to spend her time in sales. down

624.While Jeffery was traveling in France, he _____ into an old friend from college. ran 

625.If the customer signs the receipt, we _____ responsible for the lost package. aren’t 

626.We were surprised that Ms. Lafarge is _____ good at product design. so 

627.Ms. Johnson complained that there was no heat in her room. _____, the mechanic was working on the boiler. Meanwhile 

628._____ asked you to finish the project by Friday? Who 

629.Would you choose a career as _____ instructor? a flight 

630._____ we need to do is examine why our business has slowed down. What 

631.Nori loves to sit on a bench atop the cliff near her house and look out over _____. the ocean 

632.Before I applied _____ the job, I researched the company. to 

633.Gretchen agreed ______ me with my philosophy homework. to help 

634.Did you hear about what ______ to the Smith family? happened 

635.The pest control team will arrive _____ 10 a.m. at

636.I’m going to sleep now because I’m _____ tired. very 

637.You are ____ to read the book of your choosing. free 

638.I will attend the meeting _____ Mr. Williams. in place of 

639.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? June will present chapter one and Josh will present the rest. 

640.Sometimes, it’s dangerous to cook with _____. the heat 

641.There’s no point _____ the truth. in denying 

642.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? After I graduate, I’ll move back to Nebraska. 

643._____ were upset about _____ extra homework. The students, the 

644.____ don’t usually like the same movies. They 

645.We’ll find Gemma’s teddy bear, ______ it is. wherever 

646.When are you going to buy ____ new car? a

647.I would have cleaned the house if I ______ you were coming. had known 

648.I ______ the writer’s conference last year. attended 

649.Most of the movie was shot in the _____. desert 

650.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? How many siblings do you have? 

651.The hospital needs more _____ with ______ in neurology. doctors, experience 

652.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? I returned the sweater with the black sequins yesterday. 

653._____ assigned this project to you on such short notice? Who 

654.Please be sure ______ your phone while _______. to turn off, driving 

655.____ the weather, we have to leave today. In lieu of 

656.If you don’t feel well, you should ____ down. lie 

657._____ a bad ninth inning, the team still won. Despite 

658.I refuse to _______ Chester’s apology. accept 

659._____ it rains today, we’ll have to move the party indoors. If

660.You haven’t seen my car keys, _____? have you

661.If the power goes out, we _____ to use the backup generator. will have 

662.Mr. Weaver was accused ____ falsifying records. of 

663.A protestor climbed _____ the stage during the ceremony. onto 

664.The sale only _____ to select products. applies 

665.The Queen’s ____ has lasted for several decades. reign 

666.I’ll be there ______ I can. as soon as

667.I’m happy to announce that Ms. Williamson ______ the position. has accepted 

668.Did you remember _____ the oven when you finished? to turn off 

669.Figure it out amongst ______. yourselves 

670.During the heist, the thief risked _____ caught. on being 

671.If I buy the tickets, ______ buy the popcorn? will you 

672.If your phone stops working, ______ a new one? will you get 

673.When you’re done, _____ your books to your room. take 

674.To ___ does this coat belong? whom 

675.Meredith really enjoys _____ satire. to write 

676.The Burj Khalifa is the ____ tallest building. world’s 

677._____ Billy failed the test, he still passed the class. Even though 

678.It was the ____ movie Jean had ever seen. worst 

679.The college needs a professor ___ specializes in economics. who 

680.We don’t like selfies because we don’t know how to take pictures of _____. ourselves 

681.I wish Jeremy ____ us about the meeting before today. had told 

682.Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly? Sean, the youngest of six, was the family’s only college graduate. 

683.The venue changed, but ____ closer to home. it’s 

684.High pitched sounds in the recording are _____ audible, but they can be heard at high volume. barely 

685.Jessie asked ___ “What are you guys doing after class?” ? 

686.When the TV show ends, _____ give you my undivided attention. I will 

687.You should slice the pizza _____ so everyone gets a slice. equally 

688.____ need to pick a dessert for the reception. We

689.No one is allowed in the building _____ they show their ID badge. unless 

690._____ Phyllis angry with us for making too much noise? Was 

691.I’d like to accept this award _________ Vanessa, who couldn’t be here tonight. on behalf of 

692.We can’t take the dog _____ while there’s lightning. outside 

693.If I earn a bonus this year, I ______ to Italy. will travel

694.Bradley will need help _____ the first semester. throughout 

695.There weren’t any violations, ____? were there 

696.Our family plans ______ to Mexico for the summer. of going 

697.Charles ran ____ the building before the rain started. into 

698.Everyone entered the contest _____ Jill. except 

699.When ______ first place, my parents will be so proud. I win 

700.At noon, the board will announce ____ has been appointed as CEO. who 

701.Can someone please pass ____ bread? the 

702.The room feels crowded because there are ________ people in here. too many 

703._____ you going on vacation in April? Are 

704.We’re not going on vacation ____ August. until 

705.Caleb’s parents have a meeting with the _____ today. principal 

706.Next Friday, the restaurant ______ at 4 p.m. for dinner. will open 

707.Let me know ______ you’d like to go to dinner. when 

708.Take an extra layer in case _____ cold in the auditorium. it is 

709._______ is this sweater fashionable, _____ it’s also ethically made. Not only, but 

710.We can’t leave _____ the driveway is blocked. because

Disclaimer: The purpose to provide the answer is for the educational purpose only. If any official Authority have an issue , Kindly Contact Us .

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