
Friday, October 15, 2021

Review of : An Online Marketplace, a specialized market platform for freelancers

best freelancing skills released the ranking of the fastest-growing jobs in the second quarter of 2018 – called Quarterly Freelancer Fast 50. More than 530,000 jobs posted on the site were analyzed to determine the 50 with the highest demand.

Among them, those linked to Web Development dominated the list. However, a surprise:  opportunities for engineering skills are also in high demand in the autonomous market, with Engineering, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering ranking among the 50 listed.

The objective of the Fast 50 report, which is released quarterly, according to the director, is for freelancers to be able to prepare their careers according to the demands of companies around the world. In addition, provide entrepreneurs with information about promising trends in the online market – and the Gig Economy (“Economy on-demand”) in general.

Also read:  6 Best Freelancing Skills For College Students

what fell in demand

Some popular jobs in past seasons dropped from the list, with YouTube having the biggest drop at 23.1% and only 973 jobs advertised. speculates that the decline in video platform-related jobs was Instagram's new feature, which allows long videos. This, combined with the application's simplicity, is what most conquers the public, according to Freelancer.

Bitcoin and Blockchain, which entrepreneurs believed were promising technologies, fell by 22.3% and 9.7%, respectively. According to the website that authored the report, this is due to high volatility in their prices, which may be prompting buyers to take a step back and consider other possible investments.

Jobs involving social networks and Twitter experienced a decline in the second quarter of 2018, by -14.4% and -6.4%, respectively. One potential reason for the Freelancer is the entry of Generation Z into the workforce. For these professionals, who are, on average, 22 years old, the strategies of these networks may not be so appealing.

Freelance jobs in high demand in the second quarter of 2018

Check out the areas and skills most in demand by the freelance market, with their respective growth rates on the side. The information is taken from the Fast 50 report for the second quarter of 2018.

  • ASP – 54.8%
  • React.js (JavaScript library) – 25.4%
  • XML - 23.8%
  • Statistical analysis - 23.3%
  • Academic writing - 23.1%
  • Adobe InDesign – 21.4%
  • Mechanical Engineering – 18.3%
  • Statistics - 18%
  • Laravel - 17.4%
  • Algorithm - 15.1%
  • Database Programming - 14.7%
  • Game development – ​​13.5%
  • Tests / QA (Quality Assurance) – 12.4%
  • Engineering - 12.3%
  • Article rewriting - 11.3%
  • Blog - 10.5%
  • Book writing - 10.4%
  • SolidWorks – 10.2%
  • Electrical Engineering - 10%
  • Ghostwriting – 9.9%
  • Ionic Framework – 9.7%
  • Node.js – 9.4%
  • Windows desktop – 9.1%
  • 3ds Max – 9.1%
  • Customer service – 8.6%
  • Graphic design - -5.1%
  • Business Cards – -5.7%
  • Branding - -5.9%
  • CodeIgniter – -5.9%
  • PSD to HTML – -6.1%
  • Mass Marketing - -6.3%
  • Twitter – -6.4%
  • Ipad - -6.4%
  • Presentations - -6.6%
  • UI / IA - -6.7%
  • Adobe Illustrator – -6.9%
  • Supply Sources - -7.1%
  • Software Testing - -7.5%
  • Shopping Cart – -8.6%
  • Installation of blogs - -8.6%
  • PrestaShop – -8.8%
  • Website administration – -8.8%
  • Software Development - -8.8%
  • Blockchain - -9.7%
  • CSS3 - -10.9%
  • Photography - -12.1%
  • Social networks - -14.4%
  • App development – ​​-16.3%
  • Bitcoin - -22.3%
  • Youtube - -23.1%

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