
Saturday, October 30, 2021

Which vacation destination fits your personality the most?

Vacation Destination

Vacation Destination and your personality

There are many types of vacations, almost as many as there are people in the world. There are organized trips, highly recommended if you do not want to spend a lot of time thinking about the itinerary that you are going to make and the stops that you will make. In addition, they are a great idea to meet people and make friends. This type of trip does not fit with everyone, since many people prefer to decide where they will go and not be so constrained with the times: sometimes we discover a monument that we love and we want to stay all morning, or we pay a visit to a place that disappoints us and we leave earlier than planned.

Another very important point when planning your vacation has to do with what type of rest you prefer. Perhaps you have been going through a very stressful and non-stop season, and what you are looking for for your days off is, simply and simply, the comfort of having everything done for you. Not having to worry about shopping and food, and spending several days resting, either reading and sunbathing in a hammock on the beach or in a comfortable little cabin in a natural setting. Other people need stronger emotions, or maybe they work all year sitting in an office, so their rest is more of a mental type. Adventure sports, climbing, hiking ... also, if the amenities are not on your list of preferences, you may like to travel as a backpacker, spending little to get to more places and improvising the route by not depending on hotel reservations.

More and more people, on the other hand, are concerned about the environmental footprint of their trips, and who are giving priority to moving in less polluting means than the plane such as the train or the bicycle and are staying in hotels that follow principles of sustainability and respect for labor rights.

There is nature and city tourism, there are those who prefer to go to luxury hotels and those who stay in hostels or apartments, who give importance to gastronomic tourism, who seek strong emotions, beach or mountains ... this test has no scientific basis, and It is very difficult to summarize a perfect vacation in just four categories. In any case, we invite you to respond honestly to the questions we ask you and have a fun time. When you finish, we encourage you to leave a comment and tell us if the diagnosis has been correct with what your ideal vacation destination is.

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